DIY Fabric Strap Turning: Easy ‘Safety Pin’ Method

When sewing fabric straps, one common challenge is turning them right side out after stitching. The safety pin method is a tried-and-true technique that makes this process a breeze. Let’s dive into the steps and get your straps ready for your next sewing project!

Step 1: Prepare Your Strap

Sew your fabric strap, leaving both end open.

Step 2: Attach the Safety Pin

  • Open safety pin and insert it through one side of the open end of the strap.
  • Close Safety Pin

Step 3: Slide Down Safety Pin

  • Push the safety pin down the tube (inside the strap) while holding the fabric.

  •    Gently pull the fabric up as the pin goes down to guide it smoothly.

Step 4: Continue Until the Other End

Keep pushing the safety pin down the tube until it reaches the other end of the strap.

Step 5: Remove the Safety Pin

  • Once the safety pin reaches the other end, carefully remove it from the fabric
  • Your strap is now right side out!


Turning fabric straps using a safety pin is a simple yet effective technique. With a little patience and attention to detail, you’ll have beautifully turned straps ready for your sewing projects. Happy crafting!

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