3 Easy Ways To Manage All Your Sewing Projects!

Managing multiple sewing projects can be challenging, especially when creativity is flowing and deadlines are looming. In this article, we’ll explore three effective methods to keep your sewing projects organized and on track.

 Method 1: Sewing Logbook

A Sewing Logbook comes with pre-written categories, making it easy to jot down details.

The planner displayed, a product from DeFashion Code, showcases this perfectly. It allows you to easily fill in your details with dedicated sections for body measurements, materials, budget,  sketches and more!


  • Physical Record:

A sewing logbook is a tangible record of your projects. You can jot down project details, fabric choices, progress updates and more.

  • Easy Reference: Quickly flip through your logbook to find measurements, stitch settings, or notes from previous projects.
  • Creative Inspiration: Seeing your past work can spark new ideas and help you improve.


  • Space Constraints: Physical logbooks take up space in your sewing area.
  • Risk of Misplacement: Misplacing your logbook could lead to confusion or lost information.

Method 2: Sewing Project Planner App

A sewing project planner app is a digital tool that helps you organize and manage your sewing projects. Sew Awesome 2 is an example of such a planner. You may explore other apps to find the one that suits your needs! 


  • Digital Convenience: Project planner apps allow you to organize your sewing projects on your phone or computer.
  • Customizable Categories: Create separate sections for fabric swatches, patterns, and project notes.
  • Notifications and Reminders: Set reminders for deadlines, fabric orders, or upcoming workshops.


  • Technology Dependency: If your device malfunctions, runs out of battery, or gets lost, accessing your project information becomes challenging.
  • Disrupt Workflow: Sometimes updates can introduce bugs or changes that disrupt your workflow. Be prepared for occasional adjustments.

Method 3: Notebook

A simple notebook can definitely get the job done, and some people prefer this method because they can jot things down in the order they prefer to.


  • Flexibility: A simple notebook allows you to customize your organization system. Use it for sketches, measurements, and brainstorming.
  • Portable: Take your notebook anywhere – to the fabric store, workshops, or on your travels.
  • No Tech Hassles: No need to worry about app updates or syncing data.


  • Limited Searchability: Unlike digital tools, finding specific information in a notebook can be time-consuming.
  • Risk of Damage: Notebooks can get lost, damaged, or accidentally spilled on.

In Conclusion

Choose the method that aligns with your personal preferences and workflow. Whether you prefer the tactile feel of a logbook, the convenience of an app, or the simplicity of a notebook, staying organized will enhance your sewing journey. Happy stitching!

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